Watered down?

Apparently, there are three theories that proport to explain the mechanics of diffusion...but number two is the one that caught my notice...

2) The trickle-down theory - products tend to be expensive at first, and therefore only accessible to the wealthy social strata - in time they become less expensive and are diffused to lower and lower strata

Okay, it sounds good as theories go. But, if that's the case, riddle me this Batman...why is the jester skull scarf from Alexander McQueen's McQ line at $230 slightly more expensive than the skull scarves from his regular line? Did the silkworms not get the internal memo? 'Worm...you're creating silk for a designer's second line...so start spreading your mulberry leaves with peanut butter instead of beluga". It's perplexing, and it's not just McQ. I love Miu Miu...but at $1,200 for a dress or $800 for a skirt...

I'm not asking for the low price/poor quality scenario that has happened with some of the designer/high street collaborations...nor am I asking for some many diffusion lines that it's just confusing (yes, I'm talking about Ralph Lauren)...just cutting a girl a little slack and producing good quality clothes for, say, a quarter of the price of the main line...is that too much to hope for?


Post a Comment 1 comments:

  • theguildedpage said...
    10:05 AM
    Pretty effective data, thank you for this post.

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