"Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown" - Henry IV Part II

Sometimes, I have to admit, the Hebden heart gets a little overwhelmed with homesickness...missing random things like pubs, tomato ketchup crisps, M&S, and all those other little odds and sods that make Britain what it is. Then I see something like these...and think of the avalanche of God awful souvenirs celebrating the upcoming royal wedding that I'm (thankfully) managing to avoid...

I'll quote a spokesperson for the company...because, quite frankly, I couldn't make this stuff up..."Crown Jewels Royal Wedding Souvenir prophylactics are a unique way to remember this great British occasion. All at Crown Jewels have worked tirelessly to craft these heirloom quality love sheaths. In years to come, they will be a timeless memento of a magical wedding day."

I'm not sure what's worse...the term "love sheath"...or the thought that 30 years from now someone is going to pull a rather wizened box of condoms out of their display cabinet to show to the grand kids.


Post a Comment 2 comments:

  • Jennifer said...
    7:55 PM
    I'm just glad to see that us Americans aren't the only ones who can produce horribly tacky crap. I would think the Queen would pronounce "We are not amused" if she knew of these!
  • Little doubt, the dude is completely just.

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